Master Cheating | Lost Saga Trainer Straw Hat 
Trainer For Lost Saga online is release again !!! Well I test this trainer on Indo Server and the result is Workk 100% !!! but i dont know about another Server . . . . Well you can test it. 

What Featured In This Cheat Trainer For Lost Saga Online :


- No Money Penalty
- Skill No Delay
- Fall Damage Low [ Darah Tebel ]

Hotkey : F1

How To Use
1.Open  Lost saga game the Cheat/Trainer
3.When The title screen appear press F1 and F2
4.Wait a 3 second and close the cheat

1. Buka Lost saga game
2. buka cheatnya
3. pada saat title screen muncul (yang gambar koboi) tekan tombol F1 dan F2
4. tunggu 3 detik lalu tutup Lost Saga Cheat Trainer Straw Hat

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Credit By deniromadhon

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